Tag - PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance and the PCI Compliance Fee – Security Has a Price

If you are a merchant who accepts credit card payments for goods or services, you may have noticed a PCI compliance fee on your merchant account statement recently. When you first noticed this additional charge, you probably asked yourself, “What is this fee and what service does it cover?” If you are a merchant who has taken the necessary steps to ensure your business is PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant, this charge may appear to be a misnomer....


Accept American Express – With Reservation

Here is a typical question that a new business owner asks: Should I accept American Express?  Let’s briefly explore the issue. It’s a dog eat dog business world out there today, especially with the present state of the economy. The last thing you want to do is lose sales because you don’t wish to pay a few extra dollars on your monthly bills. It could actually cost you big time in the long run. A prime example of this is the American Express credit...