Tag - authorize.net

PCI Compliance and the PCI Compliance Fee – Security Has a Price

If you are a merchant who accepts credit card payments for goods or services, you may have noticed a PCI compliance fee on your merchant account statement recently. When you first noticed this additional charge, you probably asked yourself, “What is this fee and what service does it cover?” If you are a merchant who has taken the necessary steps to ensure your business is PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant, this charge may appear to be a misnomer....


Discount Merchant Account – It’s the Little Things That Add Up

If your business is accepting credit cards for its transactions, you need to try and find the discount merchant account that will offer you the best services for the most competitive price. You need to take into account all of the various fees, not just the qualified discount percentage. While the discount rate is important, make sure you don’t overlook all of the other “incidental fees” while searching for the best deal to match your needs and budget. Below are some...


Authorize.net Reseller – A Dime a Dozen but Finding the Right One will Save You Money 24/7

If you make your living by selling services and/or merchandise over the Internet, you really need a dependable payment gateway, such as Authorize.net, to help your business complete transactions as smoothly as possible. Consequently, you may be galvanized to find an Authorize.net reseller – one that can provide the gateway to you in the most cost-effective manner. The purpose of this article/blog entry is to better acquaint you with one of the most prominent gateways available and its related fees...


Customer Information Manager – The Authorize.net Gateway to Recurring Payment

I received an inquiry last week pertaining to the Authorize.net Customer Information Manager so I thought it would be beneficial to all Auth.net merchants by presenting info about this option. Quite a few merchants do business with repeat customers and to make things a lot easier they want to store credit card information so they can use it again. Storing the data will let the merchants bill their customers for recurring orders. It also makes it easier for repeat consumers to checkout...


Authorize.net Merchant Account – Best to Find a One-Stop Shop

A prospective client recently contacted us and mentioned that he was not looking for an Authorize.net merchant account as he already had the credit card processing piece.  He requested our rates for the "Authorize.net gateway only."  I explained that we bundle this payment gateway with our merchant account program.  Although we could not accommodate his request to provide Auth.net by itself, I decided to investigate standard pricing quoted for only Auth.net. Upon my research, I was surprised to learn that most gateway providers charge a set-up fee, typically $99.  Some...